Aterre Cosmetics

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Aterre Premium Cosmetics Line

100% natural ingredients rich in vitamins and minerals intensify the dermatocosmetic attributes of hydration, softening, energizing, nourishing, vitalizing.

Rejuvenating, glowing, detoxifying and rebalancing the skin go hand in hand with reducing stress or anxiety due to the unique qualities of the ingredients used.

Aterre Premium Cosmetics Line contains a complete range of hair care and one for skin care.

The PREMIUM title is given both by the ingredients used and by the team of French and Greek doctors / chemists, who developed the prescriptions and prepared the products. The team has over 27 years of experience, being internationally recognized and appreciated.

Aterre Natural Neurocosmetics reveals the best of nature, science and Greek-French pharmacological know-how. Thus the face, the body and the spirit merge in a total harmony.

Gama Aterre The Aterre range does not follow trends. Each product has a unique composition. Each serum is a mixture of natural oils with 0% additives. The products DO NOT CONTAIN 5 preservatives: parabens, synthetic dyes, mineral oils, ethyl alcohol and nano particles.

"I wanted to take an active part in the production of these products, because I wanted them to be made to my taste and needs. I wanted them to represent me as well as possible!"

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